September 11 Attack (The Conspiracy Theory)

With only two hours of sleep there’s nothing more fun than writing this. I can’t think correctly, It’s going to be random baby.
Eleven years ago the United States government killed thousands of it’s own people in what to be known as the greatest conspiracy in modern times history. I would not go on the technical issue of this. The only reason I wrote this is that I bought a book and read it about 911 attack. A five hundred plus page of lies and deceit by U.S. government specifically CIA. Chapter 2 of this book deals with “The foundation of the new terrorism” in which they concentrate on Osama bin Laden, his life, fights, world views and what makes him angry towards the worst civilization of modern times, the United States of America. Osama bin Laden claimed America declared war against GOD and his messenger and called for a murder of any American, anywhere on earth, as an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it. He believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. Nothing can stop every Muslim individual except perhaps retaliation in kind that they do not differentiate between military and civilian, as far as they’re concerned, they are all targets.

What I want to hear from this book is that “How a man from the cave directed all of this?”. There must be an unseen hand who orchestrated all of it. So many instances where you can find inconsistencies on how the US government told us to believe. I’ll give some basic questions in which they find it hard to explain to us, laymen. First, How can that two building (The World Trade Center) collapsed like it was demolished? Yes indeed it was!  So many eye witnesses including the media who were there reporting it live as it happens heard that there were huge explosions inside the building before the tower collapsed. It was shown on a video footage that small explosions occurred before it collapsed. Watch Zeitgeist or shall I say I’ll post it here. The official explanation was “Pancake Theory” that the intense heat from the jet engine vaporized the buildings foundation. Crap! It is scientifically impossible as seconded by experts. Secondly, United Airline Flight 93 the plane that crashed on Shanksville, Pennsylvania supposed to be hitting The White House but thanks to the brave heroic passengers who resist and staged a revolution something to that effect so that it won’t hit The White House. There were no debris found, nothing except the hole in the ground. No seats, no luggage, no bodies have been found. Not a single screw have found on the site. Thirdly, American Airlines Flight 77 that struck The Pentagon. There is no such plane that hit The Pentagon. It was some kind of a missile as shown on CCTV footage of the adjacent hotel. Hotel employees sat watching it several times was shocked and in horror before FBI agents confiscated it. The width of the struck building doesn’t match of a Boeing aircraft and in the video confiscated by the FBI it was more likely as a missile. Where did it come from? Your guess is as good as mine.

To sum of it all, 911 was an inside job by the criminal elements within the US government to manipulate public perception into supporting an agenda. Since the Soviet collapsed spending over military have declined. They need a war to have a monstrous budget. Bill of rights have been raped. Two wars have been fought since then that killed 800 thousands human souls.  Now is your time to think. Ask yourself, “Do I have to believe with what US government tells us?”. First they went to Afghanistan to find Osama bin Laden and remove the Taliban regime that they believe harboring Bin Laden. Although I am in favor of removing the Taliban from Afghanistan but at least they should still follow United Nations resolution. They remove Saddam Hussein from power believing he posses WMD or Weapons of Mass Destruction. They went to Iraq without the approval of United Nations or supported by UN resolution. After Saddam Hussein’s removal from office they find no Weapons of Mass Destruction to this date. They shifted it to “this world is better off without Saddam Hussein”. I beg your pardon? This world is better off without the American domination. As a last resort from an American invasion, people resorted to suicide attacks targeting soldiers and they redefined the word Terrorist. I remember a friend of mine ask me if I think suicide bombers targeting American soldiers in Iraq was a work of a Terrorist or Terrorism per se? My answer was so simple, “What would you do if George W. Bush came into your house with a gun?”. Will you just let him point a gun in your head on your own house without even trying to defend yourself and your family? By defending yourself you even resorted to blast yourself off and they say you’re a terrorist. Good riddance. May God Bless their soul. I think I’m getting hungry. I still have much to say but I have to pig out. So long friends.

Oh, before I forget, Osama bin Laden was a creation of CIA. Now that he’s dead no one on this planet except by few in their government have seen his body. Not even a strand of his hair. How can they sleep at night especially those responsible for this?

Did I mention Sen. Tito Sotto? The other half of Escalera brothers. I just hope you won’t read this before having a speech on the senate floor. LOL!

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